Well, do women and gay men find Pisces men attractive? We decided to carry out a small experiment to see how attractive Pisces men were in relation to other men of the zodiac. We did this by publishing 12 articles, one relating to each of the 12 zodiac sun signs. Our findings are based on the results of this unscientific survey. Please comment below if you think our findings are accurate or not.
The Results of an Unscientific Survey
The articles were published via the article site Triond by the publisher member AndAnotherThing. The 12 articles went live on 28th September 2008. This unscientific survey and its findings are based on an analysis of reader figures over the first 30 days of publication.

How many readers wanted to attract Pisces men in a 30 day period? How did this compare to the other 11 star signs? This survey reckoned that the more attractive a star sign the more likely it was going to attract readers to the relevant article who wanted to pull them... see what we mean by an unscientific survey?
Results of an Unscientific Survey
The following shows how many readers were interested in attracting each Zodiac sign over a 30 day period:
Aries = 36
Taurus = 94
Gemini = 35
Cancer = 30
Leo = 88
Virgo = 74
Libra = 112
Scorpio = 105
Sagittarius = 86
Capricorn =96
Aquarius = 90
Pisces = 38
Taurus = 94
Gemini = 35
Cancer = 30
Leo = 88
Virgo = 74
Libra = 112
Scorpio = 105
Sagittarius = 86
Capricorn =96
Aquarius = 90
Pisces = 38
Do Women and Gay Men Find Pisces Men Attractive?
The short answer to this question is NO! Some signs were found to be less attractive than Pisces. Aries, Gemini and Cancer were of less interest to the women and gay men who wanted advice on how to pull them. The other signs, however were about twice as attractive than Pisces.
Total Readers attracted to all Zodiac signs = 884. Only Aries, Gemini and Cancer were less attractive than you Pisces, to the women in our survey. We put it down to the numbers of you who spend most bights in the pub and don’t blame them. Pisces men are often more trouble than they are worth. So, in answer to the question “Do Women Find Pisces Men Attractive?” the answer is: mot very. Overall, you ranked 9th out of twelve Pisces with much room for improvement.
PLEASE NOTE: This survey was for fun, it is completely unscientific and could be totally wrong... However, who really knows about general laws of attraction?

Most Astrology sites will bang on about which star/zodiac signs are attracted to which. Have a look round the web or leaf through modern lifestyle magazines and you'll hear the thump of the same drum. It's sickly, squashy and sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet and Astrology's equivalent to over-sized, padded and boxed cards for Valentine's day. However, although we can make some generalizations about the foundation-character of star/zodiac signs the Astrology of Attraction is far more complicated. Astrologers are better looking at the positions and interactions of the planets Venus and Mars of individuals than merely where the Sun was at the time of birth.
That said there has been no proper quantitative study and analysis of Sun Sign Attraction. Still, we can wait and improv while we do so. The improvements are due to further astrological study and in no small part to the anonymous comments which are left on our sites. These comments, most of which we deem appropriate for publication (and some of those we don't) are providing us data on this "Attraction" topic and many more. Slowly but surely we are amassing the data we need.

Take for example the pioneer site in the HELP with Men! series. Readers of HELP with Aquarius Men! have left hundreds of comments about their experience with their men and this has improved the quality of the Astrology this team produces. Readers have given us clues and we have followed them up. Check back from time to time and bookmark this and our sister sites. We publish new and update and edit existing articles on an ongoing basis. Anytime you wish to drop by and read or read and contribute to one or more article in the form of a comment - feel free to do so.

For more details and for better quality images click on the pictures which illustrate this article. All have been chosen for their appeal to Pisces men - inspirational images for them to mull over. All should make good gifts though this cannot be guaranteed.
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